
When Sarah ALTMAN Bumsted ’95 moved back to Pittsburgh, there was one decision that she didn’t give a second thought to—sending her two daughters, 工具包, 2029届毕业生, 和安妮, 2027届毕业生, 对艾利斯. 她本人也是学院的校友, Sarah knew firsthand the value of an Ellis education and wanted her daughters to have the same experiences and opportunities she had as an Ellis student. From the invaluable role modeling girls witness in older students to the incomparable teachers who truly know, 支持, 照顾他们, Sarah chose Ellis for her daughters because she believes wholeheartedly that Ellis is the best educational experience for any child in Pittsburgh.

What did the decision-making process look like for your family? 澳门新葡新京官方有什么特别之处?
这是显而易见的. 当我回到匹兹堡, choosing Ellis was the easiest decision and that’s not just because I have two girls. Gender aside, this is the best learning experience in Pittsburgh. 我甚至没有考虑过其他地方. 在澳门新葡新京官方社区长大, I was surrounded by strong women everyday and from them I became a confident woman myself.
I wanted my daughters to be in an environment where girls are practicing how to 支持 each other, 互相扶持, 去冒险. For an adolescent girl, those experiences are so valuable.

Because I want my girls to have this unparalleled experience for as long as possible. 我想让他们在这里进化. As they mature, I want them to have the nurturing 支持 of this community. The way girls are nurtured and 支持ed at Ellis allows them to take academic risks that they might not take somewhere else. 作为一名教育者, I know that’s where the true learning takes place—when you put yourself out there, 问一个问题, 做一个假设, 不管你是对是错,都要抓住机会. 这就是学习. If you don’t have the security to do that, if you stick around Ellis, you’ll get it.
你女儿喜欢澳门新葡新京官方哪一点? 你喜欢澳门新葡新京官方哪一点?
他们爱他们的朋友和老师. 他们觉得自己胜任这里的工作. Every child needs a time in their day when they’re a learner and an expert, 这就是他们建立自信的方式. I think it’s important that every child has that balance of “I got this” and “I want to learn more,” so they can practice varying levels of competency each day. I love that they get to practice that competency, and learn specific skills like negotiation. I love how they are so known here and treated as individuals, and not just compared to each other—they love that too. They’re both vivacious members of their classes but in totally different ways. Their teachers push them when they need to be pushed, and are gentle with them when they need to be gentle. The individualization and understanding of kids as unique learners is very well developed here.

Why has your family prioritized and invested in an all-girls school?
It makes sense to me to have the girls commit to a school, 参与他们的学习, and recognize all the ways there are to be a girl. 因为全是女生的环境, all the ways of being a girl and all of the ways girls learn are celebrated. Here girls learn from each other and have role models in the older students at every age and phase. My daughters are inspired by the older students and what they do. 凡是让他们印象深刻的事都是女孩子干的. The artwork you see in the hallways or the sports stats you read, all done by a girl.
What do you hope your daughters will get out of an Ellis education?
I want them to have self-awareness and an awareness of the experiences of others. I want their curiosities and spirits to be embraced and challenged at the same time.
I’m hopeful that it won’t ever occur to them that they shouldn’t take a chance. 我认为澳门新葡新京官方的教育确实教会了他们这一点. Upon my graduation from Ellis, it never occurred to me that there was something I couldn’t tackle.

What in particular do you think she learns because she goes to an all-girls school?
The role-modeling she sees at Ellis is definitely unique. She learns there are all kinds of possibilities available to her and that she can do it too.
What do you want for your daughter as she grows up? 你希望她有什么样的机会?
That combination of self-awareness and awareness of others. I hope she has anything that she works hard for and wants. I want her to have the confidence to try new things and the resilience to switch gears if they don’t work out.
There are so many ways to be an Ellis girl and that’s the beauty of it. 想成为澳门新葡新京官方家的女孩没有唯一的方法. They’re not cranking out a certain type of girl here. I would say the confidence that girls gain here transforms them into changemakers. I hope the rich experiences that are available here to my daughters allow them to view the world with openness.
What is the biggest difference or change you have seen in your daughter since she started at Ellis?
I would say Annie is more balanced and less rigid. 她有更灵活的思维能力. 工具包 is more confident, less clingy, and less fixated on herself.


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