
1984年的露西·法托认识到她所做的每一个选择——而且是相似的, 她未来可能做出的每一个选择,都是机会. 她接受了每一次经历, 这样做的时候, created her own building blocks for a career that has taken her to a global organization and opened opportunities to help others in ways that outweigh and outreach what most people think of as corporate philanthropy.
露西担任执行副总裁, General Counsel and Global Head of Communications and Government Affairs for AIG, 全球领先的保险机构. She said there is no typical day in this role, nor does she want there to be. She finds fulfillment in the challenge of ‘connecting the dots’ for the CEO, 首席财务官, 她的团队成员, 董事会, and even regulators—equipping them with all the tools and information they need to collaboratively lead the company to success.

Her career path consisted of unexpected detours that enabled her to foster passions and build skills she didn’t know she needed, so it seems only fitting that her current work is just as gratifyingly unpredictable. 露西投资于与同事和导师的关键联系, 其中一些人是她在澳门官方老葡京的时候出现的. 对自己的专业知识充满信心,并感激他人传授的智慧, Lucy embraces every opportunity to leverage her influence for good and empower the organization she serves to reach new heights of excellence for both the industry and the people it serves.


Some of the most pivotal moments in Lucy’s career occurred thanks to the support of women. In fact, it was a woman who thoughtfully hired her for one of her earliest and most formative jobs.

“当我还是匹兹堡大学的学生时, 我去考夫曼面试了一份工作, 我想用我的商业和经济学学位进入零售业,露西分享道. "The woman who interviewed me asked about why I wanted to work in sales, my degree, my interests...然后她说:“我有个不同的想法要给你.’”

那位女士把露西聘用到新的会计部门. 两年了, Lucy learned the ropes of running credit reports and deciding whether to issue credit cards to customers. 这可能是从大学毕业后的第一份工作开始的, but she would go on to leverage that knowledge of credit reports and rating agencies throughout her career—including as general counsel for Standard & 普尔(S&P).

招聘经理很容易就会说, “这只是一个大学生, 让我们把她放在任何地方.’ But she took the time to understand my goals and gave me a job that turned out to be a stepping stone,露茜说。.

另一个女人激励露西成为一名律师. When Miriam MUSGRAVE Goekjian '79—an attorney and classmate of Lucy’s sister, 安娜玛丽亚邀请露西在法庭上跟着她, 它产生了深远的影响.

“她是一名公设辩护人,”露西回忆说. "Her job was to challenge police officers who arrested her clients about whether there was probable cause for the arrest.”

在法庭上跟随米里亚姆是她永远不会忘记的一天. "Almost every client was a young man of color and Miriam won virtually every case,露茜说。. "After losing one case where her client would go on to face a trial or take a plea deal, 她转身对我说:这就是年轻男人, 尤其是有色人种, 开始过一段艰难的生活. 虽然他们可能犯了小罪, 他们现在有了记录, making it hard to get a job or finish their education and they might end up in and out of the criminal justice system for years. 在那天之前, I did not appreciate what many lawyers do in our country to protect civil rights and I immediately thought, “我要去法学院学米里亚姆.’”


露西1991年毕业于匹兹堡大学法学院. 她在戴维斯·波尔克正式开始了她的法律生涯 & 纽约的沃德威尔, harnessing her business and economics background as a corporate partner in the firm’s capital markets department. 尽管她没有成为公设辩护律师, 露西说她和米里亚姆的经历一直困扰着她, 年后, 激励她在美国国际集团(AIG)扩大已经很强大的公益项目.

The program was started over a decade ago and provides free legal services to individuals and partners with non-profit organizations, 帮助有需要的人和边缘化社区的人, 包括退伍军人, 处于危险中的妇女和儿童, 企业家, 跨性别群体.

In 2020, 在新冠疫情爆发和乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀之后, Lucy thought it was time to expand the mission of the AIG Pro Bono Program to include a key pillar for Criminal Justice Reform.

“还记得多年前和米里亚姆在法庭上的那一天, 我认为, “我必须这么做,’”露茜说。. "Our first criminal case was for a man in his late 30s who had been in jail for 10 years without a trial. It turns out, he had been in and out of the system since he was 12 years old. 他可能是1987年米里亚姆保护过的那些小男孩之一, 这是他的箱子, 这么多年以后, 在一个完整的循环时刻. 我知道我们必须接受.”

露西继续监督AIG公益项目, 并通过雇佣专门的, full-time pro bono coordinator and other dedicated resources for the program.

“AIG一直是一家慈善公司. 现在, we are one of only three major corporations in the United States with full-time employees dedicated solely to pro bono work,露西分享道. "We have several hundred people globally who contribute thousands of hours, 这还不包括AIG对法律援助协会的捐款, 无罪计划, 她的正义, 以及其他慈善组织. 我对这项工作和AIG的慈善事业深感自豪, 因为这让我回想起我当初为什么要上法学院.”

美国国际集团因其公益计划而受到广泛认可. 露西开玩笑说,业内同行肯定厌倦了看到AIG获奖, but she hopes the recognition will encourage other general counsels to give back to their communities in the same way.

"I hope to see many more companies implement dedicated support to pro bono work, 多做慈善工作, 并且在全球范围内进行. 就像我们在颁奖典礼上一样烦人,她笑着说, "I hope it inspires others to do the same so they can be the ones winning awards!”


露西对年轻专业人士的丰富建议涉及各个领域. 她认识到在国外学习或生活的价值, 做公益, 甚至学习如何打高尔夫球. “这对拓展人脉、建立人际关系、理清思路都很有帮助...我终于明白为什么男人都打高尔夫了!她笑着说.

But a key reminder she offers people beginning their careers is that they shouldn’t feel discouraged if it takes time to find their calling. “职业发展需要很长时间,”她说. “花点时间去寻找能与你产生共鸣的东西. 这会让你的事业更好. 所以慢慢来. 不要因为做你不喜欢的工作而感到压力, 不要害怕为了向前迈出一步而后退一步.”

"I’m a big believer in what Steve Jobs said in his Stanford University commencement speech about 'connecting the dots of your life.“你不知道某些事情为什么会发生, 但当你回头看, 这一切都很有意义,她接着说. 在她自己的生活中, she cites the moment the Kaufmann’s hiring manager recruited her for new accounts, 以及和米里亚姆在法庭上的那一刻, 作为完美的例子.

而女性在露西的职业生涯中扮演了关键角色, she also encourages women at all stages of their careers not to forget about the men. "When I first started working as a lawyer, my biggest supporters were men,” she shared. "I became a partner at Davis Polk because of a couple of men who trusted me with high-profile deals. You need to build relationships with the people who have power, and most often, those people are men. 然后, you can leverage those relationships by recommending diverse talent for them to hire, 促进, 或者为董事会招募成员. 这就是我的工作, 如果我们都继续这样做, 谈判桌上的声音将变得越来越多样化.”

最后,露西认为成为导师永远不会太晚. 她为自己做这件事感到自豪, especially by organizing quarterly networking dinners where she and other women general counsels empower the next generation of women attorneys to advance their careers. 通过创造空间来积极促进指导和支持, she leads the way for ambitious young women—likely creating pivotal 'dots’ for those women that, 在事后看来, 会成为他们几乎无法想象的职业吗.

注意: 自从这篇文章发表以来 澳门新葡新京官方杂志1984年,露西·法托 已被提升 担任AIG副董事长,自2023年10月1日起生效.


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